Publish :  1918

Pages :  227

Download :  28,551

The Gods of Mars

By    Edgar Rice Burroughs

Beginning with John Carter's return to Barsoom (Mars) after a ten year hiatus -- separated from his wife Dejah Thoris, his unborn child, and the Red Martian people of the nation of Helium, whom he has adopted as his own -- John Carter materializes in the one place on Barsoom from which nobody is allowed to depart: the Valley Dor, the Barsoomian heaven.

sult of its peculiar method of feeding, which consists in cropping off the tender vegetation with its razorlike talons and sucking it up from its two mouths, which lie one in the palm of each hand, through its arm-like throats. In addition to the features which I have already described, the beast was equipped with a massive tail about six feet in length, quite round where it joined the body, but tapering to a flat, thin blade toward the end, which trailed at right angles to the ground. By far the most remarkable feature of this most remarkable creature, however, were the two tiny replicas of it, each about six inches in length, which dangled, one on either side, from its armpits. They were suspended by a small stem which seemed to grow from the exact tops of their heads to where it connected them with the body of the adult. Whether they were the young, or merely portions of a composite creature, I did not know. As I had been scrutinizing this weird monstrosity the balance of the he


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