Publish : 1910
Pages : 140
Download : 14,956
By David Grayson
Those who fell in love with "Adventures in Contentment" and the man who went straight into nature's heart and read her message, will welcome with delight this "Adventures in Friendship." The beauty of the open is in every page.
e yard lies the drifted snow: it has transformed my wood pile into a grotesque Indian mound, and it frosts the roof of my barn like a wedding cake. I go at it lustily with my wooden shovel, clearing out a pathway to the gate. Cold, too; one of the coldest mornings we've had--but clear and very still. The sun is just coming up over the hill near Horace's farm. From Horace's chimney the white wood-smoke of an early fire rises straight upward, all golden with sunshine, into the measureless blue of the sky--on its way to heaven, for aught I know. When I reach the gate my blood is racing warmly in my veins. I straighten my back, thrust my shovel into the snow pile, and shout at the top of my voice, for I can no longer contain myself: "Merry Christmas, Harriet." Harriet opens the door--just a crack. "Merry Christmas yourself, you Arctic explorer! Oo--but it's cold!" And she closes the door. Upon hearing these riotous sounds the barnyard suddenly awakens. I hear my horse whi
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