Publish :  1911

Pages :  202

Download :  12,098

Fabre, Poet of Science

By    G. V. Legros

ing epitome, and as a strict interpreter, my methods (which are, as will be seen, within the reach of all), my ideas, and the whole body of my works and discoveries; and despite the obvious difficulty which such an attempt would appear to present, he has succeeded most wonderfully in achieving the most lucid, complete, and vital exposition of these matters that I could possibly have wished. Jean-Henri Fabre. Sérignan, Vaucluse, November 12, 1911. CONTENTS. PREFACE. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER 1. THE INTUITION OF NATURE. CHAPTER 2. THE PRIMARY TEACHER. CHAPTER 3. CORSICA. CHAPTER 4. AT AVIGNON.


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