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Captains of Industry

or, Men of Business Who Did Something Besides Making Money

By    James Parton

hammers, which I now cherish among my treasures. If it had been a picture, I should have had it framed and hung up over my desk, a perpetual admonition to me to do my work well; not too fast; not too much of it; not with any showy false polish; not letting anything go till I had done all I could to make it what it should be. In telling this little story, I have told thousands of stories. Take the word hammer out of it, and put glue in its place, and you have the history of Peter Cooper. By putting in other words, you can make the true history of every great business in the world which has lasted thirty years. The true "protective system," of which we hear so much, is to make the best article; and he who does this need not buy a ticket for Colorado. ICHABOD WASHBURN, WIRE-MAKER. Of all our manufactures few have had a more rapid development than wire-making. During the last thirty years the world has been girdled by telegraphic wires and


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