Publish :  1914

Pages :  124

Download :  31,606

'A Comedy of Errors' in Seven Acts

By    Spokeshave

e land. _Quezox:_ But, noble Francos, we now wend our way To meet the vermin which do suck our blood, And they with tongues which serpent-like can charm May fool thee with their tales of dire intent. _Francos: (striking his breast):_ Fear not, they soon shall feel how vain it were To seek to trick one who, in halls of state, Hath met the wiles of shrewd, self-seeking men, But to ward off attack with virtue's shield. _Captain and Seldonskip approach._ _Captain:_ Most noble potentate, as I my rounds Of observation make, it pleasures me Most mightily, to make obeisance to The one so honored by his native land. As captain of a vessel may be judged By those subordinate to his command, So do I quick conception of thee form. By the broad mental gifts of Seldonskip Who were the hose, through which thy mind doth squirt Most sapient thought, for mankind's betterment. _Seldonskip:_ You bet his


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