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Jesus the Christ

A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern

By    James E. Talmage

/p> Chapter 37. THE RESURRECTION AND THE ASCENSION. Christ is risen.--The women at the sepulchre.--Angelic communications.--The risen Lord seen by Mary Magdalene.--And by other women.--A priestly conspiracy of falsehood.--The Lord and two disciples on the Emmaus road.--He appears to disciples in Jerusalem and eats in their presence.--Doubting Thomas.--The Lord appears to the apostles at the sea of Tiberias.--Other manifestations in Galilee.--Final commission to the apostles.--The ascension Chapter 38. THE APOSTOLIC MINISTRY. Matthias ordained to the apostleship.--Bestowal of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost.--The apostles' preaching.--Imprisoned and delivered.-- Gamaliel's advice to the council.--Stephen the martyr.--Saul of Tarsus, his conversion.--Becomes Paul the apostle.--The record by John the Revelator.--Close of the apostolic ministry Chapter 39. MINISTRY OF THE R


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