Publish :  1917

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The story of a little boy who was forced to practice

By    Thomas Tapper

Do you wonder what kind of a boy he was? We are told that he was shy and quiet. He talked little and took no interest in the games that his boy and girl companions played. While Ludwig was in school he played at a concert for the first time. He was then eight years old. Two years later he had composed quite a number of pieces. One of these was printed. It was called Variations on Dressler's March. On the title page of this piece it said:-- ********************************** * VARIATIONS ON DRESSLER'S MARCH * * Composed by a Young Amateur * * LOUIS VAN BEETHOVEN * * Aged ten years. 1780 * ********************************** Then the little boy studied with a teacher named Christian Gottlob Neefe, who took real interest in him. Neefe did not, as was said of Beethoven's father, punish the little boy severely to keep him at his practice, hour after hour. Often when Neefe had to travel Ludwig took his teacher's place as organist at the Court. Then with the organ lessons there were other lessons in Harmony. So rapidly did the boy improve that his teacher said one day: "If he goes on as he has begun, he will some day be a second Mozart."


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